Help me with a great way to serve others - and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
Here’s how it works.
If you can help me get Oprah to reply to me via Twitter, I will donate 100 hours to the cause of her choice, and, I will pick one retweeter and donate 50 hours to the cause of your choice.
Feeling lucky?
Help me!
Just tweet this:
Service! @jwhof will donate 100 service hrs to cause of her choice & 50 hrs for one lucky twit! PLS RT #safol
That’s all there is to it. Help me spread the word that service to others is a cause worthy of our attention.
And remember, Service is the Action Form of Love
going to do it for you now :o) good luck!
I am throwing my name in, if it is true. I will find out for myself if it is or not. :O) add me (The Nurse) If I am being PUNKED, oh that @apusk :O) madly59 on twitter ... onlyjoy1959@yahoo.com
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