Thursday, June 19, 2008

Announcing “Serve Where You Are” Week – September 14 – 20, 2008

What it is:

An opportunity to actively search out ways to serve others – and then serve without fanfare

How it Works:

Set aside and dedicate as much time that you can spare during the entire week
Work as a couple, a team or alone. There’s no one to report to
Look around you to find opportunities to serve (see below for ideas)
Seek to serve without recognition. Serve quietly and with dignity
Share the Serve Where You Are details with others

Ideas for Service:

Help out at the food bank
Clean a cemetery
Carry groceries for someone
Collect books for a battered women’s shelter
Be someone’s shoulder to cry on
Compliment a stranger
Smile at someone
Offer to mow someone’s lawn
Offer to make a drugstore run for an elderly person
Attend an AA meeting with someone
Take a sack lunch to a homeless person
Hand out signed “coupons” that say, “Sometimes it’s just nice to know someone cares about you. I care”, (see attached document as a basic example)

Spread the word!

Post this at your work or hand it out as a flyer
Email this to your friends in your address book (please don’t spam)
Blog about it
Visit the Service Blog and be sure to comment

Tell me how it goes:

I’m interested to hear your experiences. If you’re interested, please email me at and tell me some of the things you did to serve. Be as detailed as you like; tell me about the reactions you got from others, how you felt, and if your experience would lead you to participate again.

With your permission, I’d also like to post your comments on my blog, using only your first name and city and state.

Thank you so much for being willing to participate. Truly, service is the action form of love!

Service - The Action Form of Love

Service is the Action Form of Loving One Another

A friend and I are starting to work on a “serve one another” project.
Though we are in the infant stages of this project, here's what wehope to accomplish:

- Set aside one week of the year where we encourage all people toserve someone else without any need for compensation or recognition

- Publicize this project as far and as wide as possible

- Encourage others to find even small and simple ways to serveothers... whether it be a smile, helping with groceries, mowing alawn, baking cookies or anything else the imagination andcircumstances can conjure up

What we need:

- Volunteers who will help spread the word through any mediumavailable to them

- Prayers for guidance, inspiration and the tools, ideas and peopleneeded to be available to all participants
Interested? We're deciding on a week for our project now. Pleaseemail James at

And, remember, Service is the Action Form of Love!

Thank you!
James Hofheins